Jane Mutulili
Job Title
Association of Consulting Engineers of Kenya
Speaker Bio
MSc. CBIS (Sunderland University) 2001
BSc. Civil Eng. (Hons) University of Nairobi 1990

Registered consulting engineer with the Engineers Board of Kenya
Chairperson – the Association of Consulting Engineers of Kenya (ACEK).
Accredited Checker with the Engineers Board of Kenya
Fellow of the Institution of Engineers of Kenya (F.I.E.K)
Board Member: of Bishop Gatimu Ngandu Girls High School)
Excom Member of FIDIC Africa
Founder and Managing Director of La Femme Engineering Services Ltd which is an engineering consulting firm, working regionally. La Femme’s main clients are the UN agencies (WFP, UNICEF, UNON, UNODC, UNSOS, UNDP, IOM); NGOs (World Vision, IsraelAID, DRC, SSF, LWF); and Churches, and Governments
Jane Mutulili