- a FIDIC State of the World series webinar
In 2022 FIDIC produced its Digital disruption and the evolution of the infrastructure sector State of the World report. This report outlined not only the pace of change but also the role of technology as a potential disrupter to industries changing their business model as a result of shifts in technology, data and/or how a combination of how customers/clients and the sector can access and use such information. It is, however, not only important to recognise that change is constant, but also that if we are going to meet challenges such as net zero, it is inevitable. In this latest State of the World report, we explore the practical role technology currently has in the development of infrastructure and also how this will change as we move forward with increased retrofitting, carbon reduction and increasing cooperation.
Graham Pontin - FIDIC
Stacy Van Dolah-Evans - Schneider Electric
Sophia Harlow - Beale & Company Solicitors