BIM and digital technologies - optimise traditional ways of working or make a paradigm shift?

- a webinar organised by the FIDIC Digital Transformation Committee webinar (DTC).

A large proportion of the engineering, construction and infrastructure industry is developing their digital design and construction strategies and are at different levels of maturity, moving at different paces. Some companies are optimising the traditional processes of design and construction and others are developing new business models and new ways of working, constructing and manufacturing. Both present opportunities and challenges. This webinar will look at how to incorporate and navigate Building Information Modelling (BIM) and emerging technologies contractually, what is on the horizon and what lessons are being learned from this broad range of approaches.

Anthony Barry Martina Hess Stacy Sinclair Claire Rutkowski Jeremy Glover Krzysztof Wojslaw Nicholas Felix
Tuesday, April 4, 2023
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM (CEST)