Day 1 Americas - Discussion table: Effective claims preparation and resolution on construction projects in the Americas
Breakout sessions (parallel)
The panel would discuss trends, similarities and differences in the level and type of evidence required for the successful determination of claims arising on construction projects across the region.
Moderator: Emma Schaafsma, Partner, CMS
Emma Schaafsma - CMS
Brian Wood - Smith Currie & Hancock LLP
Jeff Ottesen - Berkeley Research Group (BRG)
Seán Hollywood - CCi (Capital Consulting International)
Brian Wood - Smith Currie & Hancock LLP
Jeff Ottesen - Berkeley Research Group (BRG)
Seán Hollywood - CCi (Capital Consulting International)

Monday, May 16, 2022
6:00 PM - 7:15 PM (CEST)
Session Currently Live