A webinar organised by the FIDIC Sustainable Development Committee
The need for nature-positive infrastructure to help provide more nature-positive solutions to the challenges society faces is an increasingly important issue that is being discussed by the engineering, construction and infrastructure industry. This webinar, Why nature-positive infrastructure needs to become the industry standard, on Tuesday 21 November 2023 at 12 noon CET organised by FIDIC’s Sustainable Development Committee, will take a deeper dive into the issue of nature-positive infrastructure and how best to deliver it.
Leading experts in the field will talk about why this is a crucial issue for the industry to get a handle on and explain why, far from being just a ‘nice to have’ nature positive infrastructure needs to become the standard deliverable going forward.
The webinar will also take a look at the recently launched ‘Playbook’ published by FIDIC and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to encourage ‘nature-positive’ infrastructure development which is set to become a key tool for supporting the implementation of nature-based solutions.
The webinar will give attendees the opportunity to question those involved in the Playbook's compilation, find out how to use it effectively, discover why the issue is so important and find out what comes next. In short, this is a webinar that will provide you with all (or nearly all) you need to know about climate positive infrastructure!
FIDIC has assembled a knowledgeable lineup of speakers for the webinar, as outlined below.
- Tracey Ryan, Managing Director, Aurecon (New Zealand) and Chair, Sustainable Development Committee, FIDIC.
- Evan Freund, Senior Director, Sustainable Infrastructure and Finance, WWF (United States).
- Emily Le Cornu, Associate, Climate Change, Sustainability and Resilience, AECOM (United Kingdom).
- Graham Pontin, Director of Policy, External Affairs and Communications, FIDIC (United Kingdom).
- Robert Spencer, Global Lead - ESG Advisory, AECOM (United Kingdom).
This free-to-attend webinar, which is open to all global engineering, construction and infrastructure professionals, will explore the issues around nature-positive infrastructure in more detail and map out a practical approach that the industry can take to implement them.
Nelson Ogunshakin - FIDIC
Tracey Ryan - Aurecon
Evan Freund - WWF
Emily Le Cornu - AECOM
Graham Pontin - FIDIC
Robert Spencer - AECOM