Panel session 4 - Accelerating the de-carbonisation challenge

Upgrading existing and delivery of new build infrastructure.  

  • What role can government play? How can legislation, taxation, incentives and subsidies be used to fast-track and address the climate change challenges? 
  • How can the adoption of novel approaches such as project carbon balance sheets be used to monitor new build infrastructure? 
  • How will the adoption of ESG measurement metrics and commitments such as the FIDIC Climate Change Charter help to focus attention on achieving Net-Zero by 20250 
  • What is the role of the consulting engineering profession in addressing legacy and new infrastructure assets?  

Moderator: Mark Pehlig, Board member , FIDIC

Keynote speaker: Tracey Ryan, Managing Director, Aurecon


Location Name
The Fairmont Grand Hotel - Ballroom ABC
Tracey Ryan Art Barrett D R Shanthi Marc Steiner Pierre Epars Mark Pehlig
Monday, September 12, 2022
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (CEST)
Session Currently Live