Dispute Avoidance and Adjudication Forum – Part A

This Forum is for adjudicators, dispute board members, members of the FIDIC President’s List of Adjudicators, dispute board practitioners and other industry participants who are experienced and knowledgeable in applying dispute avoidance techniques and are active in engineering, construction and infrastructure industry to discuss the latest key global issues in the dispute avoidance and adjudication arena.

Engage with members of FIDIC’s Presidents list of Adjudicators and other dispute board practitioners in enlightening discussions about the most critical issues in the dispute avoidance arena and gain valuable insights on the DAAB role and practical strategies for effective conflict management in construction projects.

The session will focus on discussing Site Visits and the forum will conclude with key takeaways.


Topic 1. Site Visits

In this part of the forum, the participants will be divided into six groups to discuss certain aspects of site visits and provide comments as takeaways to be taken into consideration for future Practice Note.

Discussion Tables

  1. Purpose of Site Visits and its importance
  2. Planning and preparing for Site Visits
  3. Managing and conducting Site Visits
  4. Engagement with project participants, dos and dont’s
  5. Importance of Site Visits for dispute avoidance, some practical tips
  6. Site-Visit follow up actions


Monday, December 2, 2024
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM (GMT)
Session Currently Live