Past Webinar Series 2023 speakers
Full Name | Company | Job Title |
Mr. Mahmoud Abu Hussein | FIDIC Contracts Committee Vice-Chair | Vice-Chair |
Thamer Al-Failakawi | Kuwait Fund for Economic Development | Regional Manager |
Ms Jyothsna Amrith | Systra Denmark | Project Director |
Mohamed Aslam | Government of the Maldives | Minister of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure |
Mr Anthony Barry | FIDIC | Immediate Past President |
Etel Patricia Bereslawski | World Bank | Lead Procurement Specialist |
Mr Adam Bialachowski | B-Act Quantum Vintage | CEO |
Henri Blas | Global Infrastructure Hub | Chief Content Officer |
Mr Michael Broadley | FIDIC | Academy General Manager |
Chris Campbell | SESA | CEO |
Mr Chris Campbell | Consulting Engineers South Africa | CEO |
Mr Simon Chirwa | World Bank | Practice Manager |
Mr Benoît Clocheret | Artelia | CEO |
Ms. FATMA COLASAN | GEN-TES Eng. Ltd. | Owner and Managing Director |
Mr Peter Collie | FIDIC Contracts Committee | Member |
Mr Richard Crowe | Nicholas O'Dwyer | Consultant |
Ms Helen Davidson | ACE New Zealand | Chief Executive |
Sr. Artur Henrique de Morais Brito | TPF Engenharia | Development Manager |
Sudhir Dhawan | FIDIC Asia Pacific | President |
Ms Basma Eissa | FIDIC | Head of Policy, ESG & Sustainability |