Dispute avoidance and Adjudication Forum - Part B

Location: Indiana Room (floor 4)

This Forum is for adjudicators, dispute board members, members of the FIDIC President’s List of Adjudicators, dispute board practitioners and other industry participants who are experienced and knowledgeable in applying dispute avoidance techniques and are active in engineering, construction, and infrastructure industry to discuss the latest key global issues in the dispute avoidance and adjudication arena.

This forum will run in parallel with Panel session 7 - Going Digital – delivering smarter infrastructure at pace and Panel session 8 - Roundtable discussion: Developing the industry’s response to the key challenges.


  • Daduna Kokhreidze - General Counsel, FIDIC
  • Karen Gough - Barrister, Attorney-At-Law, Chartered Arbitrator, 39 Essex Chambers
  • Sarwono Hardjomuljadi - Board Member, FIDIC

Key topics:

  • Latest developments in dispute avoidance arena
  • Use of Statutory adjudication alongside FIDIC’s Dispute Boards 
Location Name
Raffles City Convention Centre - Indiana Room
Daduna Kokhreidze Karen Gough Sarwono Hardjomuljadi Vivian Ramsey Wee Meng Chuan Christopher Seppala Julien Bergerat-Vasse Frederic Gillion Matthias Kuscher Mariam Gotsiridze
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
2:00 PM - 4:30 PM (SGT)
Session Currently Live